Saturday, December 1, 2007

Harvesting the Heart by Jodi Picoult

I've been reading a lot of Jodi Picoult's novels this year - nine so far, in fact. Recently I read Harvesting the Heart, which Heather had picked as "something about me." She said:

This isn't my favorite, by far, of Jodi's novels. However, I suffered severe postpartum depression, and the mother in this story experiences her own version of that illness. It is a pretty realistic portrayal of what PPD can do to a person and her marriage/life.

I experienced postpartum depression with my first child, so I can relate both to Heather - which gives me some insight into her life - and to the character Paige. This novel is more than just a PPD experience, though; it explores the parent-child relationship in many ways - and I think that's something to which we can all relate.


Heather said...

It did have plenty of facets to it, didn't it? I need a good Jodi book right now, something to dive into.

alisonwonderland said...

heather, have you read Keeping Faith yet? i just finished it this morning and really liked it.