Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Review Posting Request

Hi all. We've had a request about how to post your reviews. If you are reviewing a book, make the label at the bottom the name of the book you are reviewing. This way, if someone hasn't been on the board for awhile, and wants to see all the reviews for a particular book, they can just look up all the posts with that label. I have tried to go back and add the labels to all existing posts, but possibly I may have missed some.

This would be a great way for people to find what they are looking for! Thanks!


valentina said...

Thanks a lot for this, this way is gonna be so much easier!:-)

Wendy said...

Another way to find all posts for a certain book is to put the title in the Search function at the top left hand of the blog - the only downside is it will pull up every post with that title, even those without a review.

Pattie said...

Great idea!

alisonwonderland said...

this is a good idea. i'd also love it if two other labels were used for each review: the name of the person reviewing and the name of the person who had the book on her list. would you all be willing to do that?